Polarity Therapy

Photo Courtesy of InnerCamp

Polarity is a beautifully unique and comprehensive energetic therapy, inviting all dimensions of our health to flourish; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. By inviting a better flow of energy through parts of the body that are blocked, we can find better health and a greater sense of well-being.

The creator of Polarity, Dr Stone, was a deeply spiritual and also scientific man. He searched constantly for the best techniques and practises to maintain health, and drew inspiration from many traditions including Ayurveda, osteopathy, naturopathy and craniosacral therapy.

Polarity Therapy is a complete system including postures, exercise, diet and bodywork. In my sessions my focus is on the bodywork element. I love working with the 5 elements If you’re interested in Polarity exercises, I use these regularly in my yoga classes.

For me personally, Polarity Bodywork has helped me understand patterns in my body (both physical and energetic); how to notice them, and what they might mean.

What to expect:

During a session you are laying down (on your front or back) on a massage table, fully clothed, and my hands are placed on to your body. Different types of touch are used to encourage better energy flow: sattvic touch is calming and peaceful, rajasic touch is stimulating, and tamastic touch is deep and penetrating.

My main priority in sessions is to hold a safe and nurturing space, with the trust that whatever needs to arise will arise. Some people remain silent throughout the session and drop into a state of deep relaxation. For others the session is a more active process, in which they like to talk through what they are experiencing.

Polarity Therapy is £45/hour. Please enquire for more details

Polarity Therapy testimonials

“Lou works in a really intuitive way and every session is unique and feels very ‘magical’. I came out feeling recharged, grounded and extremely creative. It was a real boost with long lasting effects.”

- Elise

“Thank you again for such a refreshing and grounding treatment this morning. I really feel so much better for it!”

- Sonia

“Polarity with Lou makes me feel simultaneously grounded and energised. It helps me deal with life’s ups and downs without the pressure to talk.”

- Ruby