Yoga classes in Norwich

My classes are holistic, always weaving in themes beyond the physical. 

My main intention is to create a safe space where people are encouraged to learn about their body’s wisdom. I work in a very intuitive way - observing and listening to the people in front of me, and catering each session to best suit the group. There is no one-size-fits-all approach; I am passionate about a ‘somatic’ approach to yoga, encouraging people to listen to and respect their body. I draw on my vast experience and trainings in Ayurveda, Polarity Yoga, Womb Yoga and more recently from Holosomatic Body Therapy. And most importantly, it’s all rooted in more than 20 years of personal practice.

Yoga courses

All courses take place at Happy Om Yoga Studio*

Monday beginners 10.30-11.45am 

An incredibly welcoming group, suitable for absolute beginners. 

Next course starts 4th November, 7 weeks, £66.50, *wait list only

Tuesday Improvers 10.15–11.30am

Suitable for those who have the basics in place

Next course starts 5th November, 7 weeks, £66.50, *wait list only

Women’s Wednesday 10-11.30am

A very special women’s circle where we share, move and rest together 

Next course starts 6th November, 7 weeks, £73.50, 3 places

Wednesday Holistic 6-7.30pm

For those with previous experience, we deepen the practice physically and spiritually 

Next course starts 6th November, 7 weeks, £73.50, 2 places

Yoga / yoga therapy £55/hour

Polarity Therapy £45/hour

Holosomatic Body Therapy £85/1.5 hours

Contact Lou for bespoke 121 sessions at Happy Om.

Happy Om yoga studio Norwich

*Happy Om Yoga Studio,
Capitol House, Heigham Street, Norwich, NR2 4TE

Class testimonials

“Thank you for facilitating a yoga class that I want so desperately to attend that it's so disappointing when I can't.”

- Martha (Wednesday advanced)

“I love the classes. There’s something very special in that group and every time I’ve come away feeling nourished and calm.  I’ve loved the mix of chanting, postures and meditation. I particularly enjoy how it is guided by what we feel we need.”

- Maxine (Wednesday morning class)

“I love how you tailor and adjust the class to meet the mood and needs, always with a very nourishing sequence of poses and meditation.”

- Sonia